This is one of the Azimutt features that makes it feel a bit like magic.
But it's also an often missed one 😅
If you have ideas about how to make it better and more discoverable, let us know ^^
Contrary to all the other Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) tools, Azimutt was built with large databases in mind, and so won't show everything from the start. This made search and multi-layout necessary, but also schema navigation using relations to display related entities one by one, and build the diagram you need.

As shown above, you can click on primary keys and foreign keys to display related entities. The icons are colored to highlight them and show a possible action from them.
This is why it's important to have all the relations defined. Either in the database using foreign keys or adding them only in Azimutt.
Adding relations #
This is done using AML even though, you have UI helper for it:

Relations can also be added directly with AML (rel events(project_id) -> projects(id)

With this, you can generate all relations from your source code or anywhere else and easily import them in Azimutt. You can even version and diff them if you want.
There is also suggestions directly inside the diagram in case you missed some:

And you can see all suggestions from the analysis, and add them easily: