In order to handle large and messy databases, a good search is a key component to find anything you want, and even find things you don't know about yet.

The Azimutt search is looking at everything in your database schema to help you find the relevant parts. Entity and attribute names of course, but also index and constraint names, attribute types as well as SQL comments, Azimutt notes and tags. It uses strict and fuzzy matching to be as tolerant as possible.
From the search, you also have access to suggestions of entities not shown in the layout (most referenced). You can also open the full list of your schema entities if you want to browse them (also accessible from the bottom right burger icon):

From this list, you can display the entity in the layout using the "eye" icon, or look at its details by clicking on it (and then its attribute details).

Advanced search #
Azimutt has some special searches for specific purposes:
- ?: the simplest search, show other special searches 😉
- !layout: show entities not present in any layout
- !notes: show entities and attributes with no filled notes
- notes:*: show entities and attributes having the provided text in their notes
- !tag: show entities and attributes with no tag
- tag:*: show entities and attributes with the requested tag (exact match)
Let us know what you think about theses and if you need improvements.
Roadmap #
The Azimutt search is good enough with its everywhere search and fuzzy matching. Yet, there is room for improvements such as:
- boolean search: lets you write expressions for specific match like Google or LinkedIn (ex: specific item or tags, or even empty doc)
- semantic search: to match similar words, even with very different letters like "users" and "accounts"
- data search: if you connected your database, virtually search on all attribute values for your query (with safeguard for performance, like: only entities with <10k lines or indexed attributes)
There are on the roadmap, but as it's quite long, they will be prioritized based on customer needs. If you need them, don't hesitate to reach out.