Discover all the connectors for Azimutt
Azimutt is a database exploration and documentation tool made to help you understand and manage any database. We already have the mainstream ones, and we keep extending the integrations. If yours is not available, please reach out.

All connectors
The most powerful open-source relational database, known for extensibility and SQL compliance. Now explorable with Azimutt.
The world's most popular open-source relational database, widely used for web applications. Now accessible within Azimutt.
An open-source fork of MySQL with improved performance, scalability, and open development. Also available to connect to Azimutt.
SQL Server
A robust, enterprise-grade relational database by Microsoft, with integrated analytics and management tools. Integrated in Azimutt.
A high-performance relational database widely used in enterprises for mission-critical applications. Uniquely explorable with Azimutt.
A NoSQL database designed for flexible, document-oriented storage and scalability. Collection schema and relations are inferred in Azimutt.
A distributed NoSQL database optimized for interactive applications and real-time analytics. Infer collection schema and relations.
Google’s fully-managed, serverless data warehouse for large-scale analytics using SQL. Discover your datasets with Azimutt.
A cloud-native data platform for seamless data warehousing, sharing, and analytics. Easily explorable with this Azimutt connector.
Need another one?
You can request it or make it on your own. Check the documentation and/or get in touch to find the best way forward.