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AML (Azimutt Markup Language) is the easiest language to design databases.
Made to be fast to learn and write.

Why AML? #

  • Structured text is WAY better than GUI: portable, copy/paste, find/replace, versioning...
  • It's simpler, faster to write and less error-prone than SQL or other database schema DSLs
  • Made for humans: readable, flexible, can hold custom properties
  • Database agnostic: hold concepts, not specific syntax, can be converted to other dialects
  • Free as 🕊️ but also 🍺

In short, it's perfect for fast prototyping and brainstorming.

Example #

  id uuid pk
  name varchar
  email varchar index
  role user_role(admin, guest)=guest

  id uuid pk
  title varchar
  content text | formatted in markdown
  created_at timestamp=`now()`
  created_by uuid -> users(id) # inline relation

Introduction #

This page will give you a quick overview of how to use AML, follow links for an exhaustive specification.

One last thing, AML comments are single line and start with #, you will see them in many places 😉

Entities #

Entities can be used to model objects from databases, such as tables or collections.

Defining one in AML can't be simpler, just type its name:


Entities can have attributes with several options like a type, nullability, indexes, constraints and relations.

Here is how they look:

  id uuid pk
  slug varchar(256) unique
  title varchar index
  status post_status(draft, published, archived)=draft index
  content text nullable
  tags "varchar[]"
  props json
    needs_review bool
    reviewed_by -> users(id)
  created_by -> users(id)
  created_at "timestamp with time zone"=`now()`

You can define them inside a namespace and give them an alias name for easier referencing:

core.public.users as u
  id uuid pk
  name varchar

core.public.posts as p
  id uuid pk
  title varchar
  created_by -> u(id)

And you can document them both with structured properties or unstructured documentation:

events {color: red, scope: tracking, tags: [pii, deprecated]} | store all user events
  id int pk {autoIncrement}
  name varchar index | should be structured with `context__object__action` format
  item_kind varchar {values: [users, posts, projects]} | polymorphic relation
  item_id uuid

Relations #

Relations can model references, like foreign keys, or source for lineage, depending on how you want to use them.

They mostly use the -> symbol in entity definition (like used above) but can also be defined standalone with the rel keyword and use other cardinality with -- for one-to-one and <> for many-to-many.

  id uuid pk

  id uuid pk
  user_id uuid -- users(id)

  id uuid pk <> users(id)
  created_by -> users(id)

  id uuid pk
  created_by uuid

rel events(created_by) -> users(id)

For fastest definition, you can omit the target attribute when the target table has a primary key with a single attribute. As well as the attribute type, it will be inherited from the target attribute:

  id uuid pk

  id uuid pk
  created_by -> users

AML supports polymorphic relations by adding the kind attribute key and value inside the relation symbol:

  id uuid pk

  id uuid pk

  id uuid pk
  item_kind event_items(users, projects)
  created_by -> users

rel events(item_id) -item_kind=users> users
rel events(item_id) -item_kind=projects> projects

It also supports composite relations by listing used attributes in the parenthesis:

  provider_key varchar pk
  provider_uid varchar pk
  user_id -> users

  provider_key varchar pk
  provider_uid varchar pk
  provider_data json

rel credential_details(provider_key, provider_uid) -> credentials(provider_key, provider_uid)

Of course, relations can be used with nested attributes:

  id int pk
  friends "json[]"
    id number -> users(id) # inline relation

  id uuid pk
  details json
    user_id number

rel events(details.user_id) -> users(id) # standalone relation

Types #

You can also create custom types for better semantics, consistency or re-usability.

They can be defined inline in the entity attribute definition when not re-used, on standalone for more global usage:

type my_type # just a named type for better semantics, not really necessary in AML as types can be anything
type id_type uuid # here is a type alias
type bug_status (draft, "in progress", done) # enums are quite useful and explicit
type position {x int, y int} # even structs can be defined
type float8_range `RANGE (subtype = float8, subtype_diff = float8mi)` # custom types allows any specific definition

Full example #

Now let's write a longer AML example to see how it looks like to design your database schema with AML. This example won't use every available feature on AML but give you a good idea of the kind of code you will write using AML.

Let's define a theoretical e-commerce shop:

e-commerce schema defined using AML

# Identity domain

  id uuid pk
  slug varchar unique | user identifier in urls
  role user_role(customer, staff, admin)
  name varchar
  avatar url
  email varchar unique
  email_validated timestamp nullable
  phone varchar unique
  phone_validated timestamp nullable
  bio text nullable
  company varchar nullable
  locale locale(en, fr)
  created_at timestamp
  updated_at timestamp
  last_login timestamp

  provider_id provider(google, facebook, twitter, email) pk
  provider_key varchar pk | user id in provider system
  hasher hash_method(md5, sha1, sha256)
  password_hash varchar
  password_salt varchar
  user_id uuid -> users(id)

  user_id uuid -> users(id)
  platform social_platform(facebook, twitter, instagram, slack, github)
  platform_user varchar
  created_at timestamp

# Catalog domain

  id uuid pk
  slug varchar unique | category identifier in urls
  name varchar
  description text
  tags "varchar[]"
  parent_category uuid -> categories(id)
  created_at timestamp
  updated_at timestamp

  id uuid pk
  category_id uuid nullable -> categories(id)
  title varchar
  picture varchar
  summary text
  description text
  price number | in Euro
  discount_type discount_type(none, percent, amount)
  discount_value number
  tags "varchar[]"
  created_at timestamp
  updated_at timestamp

  id uuid pk
  user_id uuid -> users(id)
  product_id uuid -> products(id)
  rating int index | between 1 and 5
  comment text
  created_at timestamp

# Cart domain

  id uuid pk
  status cart_status(active, ordered, abandonned)
  created_at timestamp=`now()`
  created_by uuid -> users(id)
  updated_at timestamp

  cart_id uuid pk -> carts(id)
  product_id uuid pk -> products(id)
  price number
  quantity int check(`quantity > 0`) | should be > 0
  created_at timestamp

# Order domain

  id uuid pk
  user_id uuid -> users(id)
  created_at timestamp

  id uuid pk
  order_id uuid -> orders(id)
  product_id uuid -> products(id) | used as reference and for re-order by copy data at order time as they should not change
  price number | in Euro
  quantity int check(`quantity > 0`) | should be > 0

If you want more examples, there is a much longer example for the e-commerce full demo, and another one with all the AML features ^^.

I hope you enjoyed AML and can only wish you happy hacking on Azimutt!

Migration from v1 #

This new version of AML is coming 2 years after the first one (post & PR ^^). During this time we discovered a lot of new use cases and some shortcomings (such as composite foreign keys).

This new iteration fixes the issues, improve consistency and add nice features such as namespace, properties, nested attributes, polymorphic relations and more.

We made it mostly retro-compatible, so you only have to fix the issued warnings in most cases. If you want to look at what needs to be adapted, look at the migration doc, or just use our converter ^^.

Other database schema DSLs #

Of course, AML is not the only DSL for database design, here are some alternatives: