Documentation can be added to objects to add textual context to them. It complements well the custom properties with a more people oriented context, it will be rendered with Markdown syntax in Azimutt.

To use it, just add a | at the end of the object definition, here is an example:

users | store users

It can be used on: entities, attributes, relations and types.

Here are examples:

type post_status (draft, published, archived) | post lifecycle

public.users | storing all users
  id uuid pk
  name varchar
  email varchar unique | auth identifier

  id uuid
  status post_status
  title varchar
  content text
  author uuid

rel posts(author) -> public.users(id) | link post author

Multiline documentation #

If you want longer documentation, you can use multiline documentation with |||.

Here is the same example as above:

type post_status (draft, published, archived) |||

public.users |||
  all users
  id uuid pk
  name varchar
  email varchar unique |||

  id uuid
  status post_status
  title varchar
  content text
  author uuid

rel posts(author) -> public.users(id) |||
  post author

The common indentation to every line will be removed to keep your code and documentation clean 😉