There is a lot of ways to get your database schema, and depending on your setup they are more or less convenient.

From databases #

PostgreSQL #

Use pg_dump:

pg_dump --dbname=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/my_db --table='public.*' --schema-only > my_db-$(date +%d-%m-%y).sql


Work In Progress 😅

MariaDB #

Work In Progress 😅

SQL Server #

Work In Progress 😅

Oracle #

Work In Progress 😅

From tools #

phpMyAdmin #

Work In Progress 😅

DataGrip #

Work In Progress 😅

DBeaver #

Work In Progress 😅

From frameworks #

Rails / Active Record #

Work In Progress 😅

Symfony / Doctrine #

Work In Progress 😅

Phoenix / Ecto #

Work In Progress 😅