PostgreSQL converter

The world's most advanced open source relational database. Use the DDL SQL dialect of PostgreSQL to design your database schema and convert it to the other ones.

PostgreSQL converter

Convert to 👇️

AML connector


A very simple language made by Azimutt to ease and speed database design. In addition, you can use AML inside Azimutt or as a standalone library for your own projects.

Convert PostgreSQL to AML
JSON connector


Not properly a database schema dialect but using the Azimutt JSON Schema structure, you will be able to define your database structure in JSON and convert it to other dialects.

Convert PostgreSQL to JSON
DOT connector


Graphviz is an open source graph visualization software with a language, named DOT, to define the diagrams. It has many visualization options and plugins.

Convert PostgreSQL to DOT
Mermaid connector


It's a Markdown-inspired text definitions that generate flowcharts diagrams. It can be used to generate Entity-Relationship diagrams, and even has a Live Editor.

Convert PostgreSQL to Mermaid
Markdown connector


A very popular, well-supported and easy to use lightweight syntax for formatting text. Perfect for versioned technical documentation like database schema reference.

Convert PostgreSQL to Markdown
AMLv1 connector


The first (legacy) version of AML. You can look at the migration guide but, there is mostly additions and the new parser handles it well. Use it to convert from v1 to current one easily 🥳

Convert PostgreSQL to AMLv1

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