Azimutt - Easily explore and analyze your database with your team | Product Hunt

Boost your database productivity. Right now!

Search on tables, columns, relations and comments. Display only what is useful. Follow relations. Find paths between tables. Design. Document. Analyse. Fly!

Use our samples, your SQL file or your db connection url.
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A powerful companion

Understand your database, at every step

From conception to afterward analysis, Azimutt can help you at any step in your database journey. Especially when trying to understand a large one.

The all-in-one tool to understand and design your database following your thought process.

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Identify database design warts and automate any check to keep it consistent.

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Nice and contextual documentation for databases is now finally a reality.

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Amazon RDS AMazon Aurora Azure SQL Azure Cosmos DB Google Cloud SQL AlloyDB BigQuery Snowflake
PostgreSQL MySQL SQL Server Oracle MariaDB SQLite MongoDB Couchbase

Are you feeling lost in your database?

So were we, this is why we made Azimutt.

Large databases now have an exploration tool.

Finding the right tables and relations to work with can be hard, and sincerely, no tool really helps. Until now.

Azimutt allows you to explore your schema: search for relevant tables, follow the relations, hide less interesting columns and even find the paths between tables.

Basic schema by Azimutt
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I've been there: reverse engineering large databases, looking for a tool to help me, sad, disappointed and giving up with every tool...
So here I'm, building Azimutt, the perfect tool to explore databases.
Loïc Knuchel
Co-founder of Azimutt


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Boost your productivity.
Start using Azimutt today.

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